I don't know if you guys do this, but there are several moments in film and music that I'm obsessed with, of which I've yet to find a perfect film document. Some that come to mind are:
The Beastie Boys circa Paul's Boutique
The French New Wave circa 1955-1962
Talk Talk circa Laughing Stock
John Coltrane circa A Love Supreme
Massive Attack circa Blue Lines
Wim Wenders circa Kings of the Road
Abbas Kiarostami in the late eighties/early nineties
Leos Carax in the mid eighties
Bjorn Borg circa the late seventies
The Smiths in the eighties
Bob Dylan circa the early sixties (pre Don't Look Back)
If I ever foray into documentary filmmaking, these would probably be the first places I'd look into doing something.
101 Essential Rock Records101 Essential Rock Records # 16 John Mayall with
Eric Clapton - Blues Brothers.
*'Clapton here sketches out a whole landscape for future guitarists.'*
20 hours ago