I decided to stack up some of my favorite film books and keep them right next to my computer. Reference material, but I don't know, there's something about them that makes me happy, too.
Here's what currently makes up the stack. What's on yours?
Qu'est-ce que le cinema? - Andre Bazin (French version)
Hawks on Hawks - Joseph McBride
Movie of the Week - Peter Bogdanovich
The Films in My Life - Francois Truffaut
Who The Devil Made It - Peter Bogdanovich
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Pauline Kael
A Biographical Dictionary of Film - David Thomson
Essential Cinema - Jonathan Rosenbaum
"Have You Seen...?" - David Thomson
Le film noir american (wonderful French noir compendium)
La Politique Des Auteurs (great French book, compiling Cahiers interviews with Dreyer, Hawks, Bunuel, Hitchcock, Bresson, Antonioni, Lang, Rossellini, and Welles)
2 Copies of Cahiers du Cinema from the early 60s
Brian De Palma (French interview book) - Samuel Blumenfeld/Laurent Vachaud
French New Wave - Jean Douchet
1985 Singles # 32 Strawberry Switchblade
Strawberry Switchbade were a splash of fanulous colour. But not one that
you were surprised when they were gone almost as soon as they appeared.
6 hours ago